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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Evolution Engine components diagram

Good saturday folks,

As promised I am posting high level components design for EE. Green background indicates elements I am working currently on. 

This is high level diagram to show you EE from hardware level up to game components. Currently I am codding rendering system. For each of the systems I have set of the features that I will include first and move on to next system. This will allow me to get working version of EE faster. It means that after I create v 0.01 for all components I should be able to produce simple game. Whole development is planned in cycles so after version 0.01 is produced I will start working on next set of features -> v 0.02. and reapeat process until final product is done.


What is Evolution Engine?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Improving 3D artwork

Hello Guys,

I would like to provide you short update on what I was working last week.

You could see on my youtube page link bellow, that I have created biotech character. Purpose of this creation was simple, to have model to work while building rendering engine and experimenting with DirectX. That guy is technological modificated human being. Some idea I have around cyborgs and how they would evolve in the future. There is story behind this which I will be reveling step by step while getting closer to final game release (dont expect that to happen this year ;) ). Biotechs are one of races that populate my virtual world, (so far in my mind).

(If you like it, go to my youtube page and subscribe to get latest uploads.)

Last week I got into creation of some cloths for the guy, more like armor. I had enough on looking onto naked male and would be good to add him some more detail. I started to experiment with some 3d technics. As I am rather begginer modeler I decided to get some help. I subscribed to , and I must say it was good choice. Tons of videos that I watch while working on EE (Evolution-Engine) and model. I strongly recommend it, even if you use freeware tools, you can learn a lot about some technics to create stuff. From basics to advance.

Switching from visual fun into design fun, I have designed high level EE components. I will be sharing it shortly as I am applying last changes. Still it I want to share it on high level, but will mark you what is the current component I am working.

Coding moving slowly forward, and it will not speed up until initial design is completed. Its more like experimenting with tools. Good news is I plan to release tiny games that utilized what has been done so far.

Have fun peeps,

What is EE:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Evolution-Engine - introduction

Hello guys,

I have decided to start blog to share with you thoughts and report progress I am doing on developing Evolution Engine. I have allready posted some of my related work on youtube channel which I encourage you to subscribe to get latest visuals:

What is Evolution?

Evolution is some idea that firstly I defined around artwork I did in my spare time. It became my motto and target. Evolution as futurustic view of human being, started to be my project to improve my artwork and be able to make dreams true. Evolution became life project which goes around game development and creativity. My main goal is to create virtual world. The world is in my mind for years. Hopefully it will get implemented in form of game(s) that will bind in one story. Game is one of medium that I adore and see as one that brings togheter other forms of expresions.
Enjoy seeing my struggle with dreams building Evolution Engine.

What is the status of engine?

Currently its in design/testing tools possibilies. I have created some visauls to be used for testing purposes.

What I am using so far:

Visual Studio 2012 express, Blender




DirectX, PhysX