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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Evolution-Engine - introduction

Hello guys,

I have decided to start blog to share with you thoughts and report progress I am doing on developing Evolution Engine. I have allready posted some of my related work on youtube channel which I encourage you to subscribe to get latest visuals:

What is Evolution?

Evolution is some idea that firstly I defined around artwork I did in my spare time. It became my motto and target. Evolution as futurustic view of human being, started to be my project to improve my artwork and be able to make dreams true. Evolution became life project which goes around game development and creativity. My main goal is to create virtual world. The world is in my mind for years. Hopefully it will get implemented in form of game(s) that will bind in one story. Game is one of medium that I adore and see as one that brings togheter other forms of expresions.
Enjoy seeing my struggle with dreams building Evolution Engine.

What is the status of engine?

Currently its in design/testing tools possibilies. I have created some visauls to be used for testing purposes.

What I am using so far:

Visual Studio 2012 express, Blender




DirectX, PhysX

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