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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

ASCII prototype - codename Planet

As mentioned before, I use ASCII game programming as way to prototype concepts and check performance of underlaying system. Movie bellow presents project "Planet". I used here simple STL vector to create 1000 objects and check whats the performance of updating each of them per frame. Updates are simple.

As you could see the code is unstable in terms of CPU cycles per second. Unstability is seen that once Mr "Z" objects move from the corner, and more are to be written to different position in screen buffer, CPU cycles and time increases. Simple fix to clearing screen function that I have written stabilize this to around 70000 cycles per frame.

With that we also loose drops to mentioned 15000 cycles, which wasnt bad behavior. That was clear notification of cache reuse. Still I have filling that having this stabilization, I am now able to work on reusability of cache. Being sure that there is no more strange increase in cycles, gives me stability. To improve cache usage I shall look into update function and write to screen buffor function.

Sounds like interesting topic on side to play with.

What's that blog silence about?


Some time has passed since actual codding has happend. I used that time to reach for books, and recall some topics which I havent put in use for years. Currently I am going through couple of great books, including topics around, design patterns, C++ 11, gpu programming, directx11 and general engine concept/references.

If you are interested in some of those its great idea to peek into what has been done in past. On the net you can easily find quake codes, wolfenstein implementation etc. Interesting lecture.

Next topic in blog will be about ASCII game programming, which I used to project some concepts and prototype ideas.
